Thursday, March 19, 2009

31 Days!

This has been a busy month for me!

I am absolutely enjoying my job at Roblealto. I do a number of things from tracing ladybugs and flowers for the kids to color to dancing and singing with them (well attempting to sing Spanish kids songs that I don't know!) to helping them eat correctly (sitting up and with a spoon not their fingers!). I love playing with them and our playing ranges from the little girls pretending to do my make-up, to the little boys chasing me with their trucks, to the little girls "cooking" me delicious food and pretending to feed me, to 3 little boys taking the pretend food and trying to force it into my mouth, knocking me to the ground and jumping on me. I survived, barely.

I found out that the teacher who I was working with is a substitute. I have now met the real teacher and she is wonderful. She's very nice and it's been nice to have more of a schedule with the kids. We read a Bible story in the morning and then sing and dance with worship music. It's so much fun watching these kids worship and is definitely an amazing reminder of the faith that Jesus calls us to have! Nap time is my favorite time of the day because I get to rub their backs and help them fall to sleep. I have discovered that it is an amazing time to pray for these children individually. It's very cool!

Then I had to be super patient for a few days because last Sunday my sisters came to visit me! Seeing them at the airport was one of the most exciting moments of my life!! We hung out with the family here Sunday and then bright and early (being 10 am) we took a bus, walked, and then took another bus for almost 5 hours to the beach! We had 3 full wonderful days of talking and laughing, swimming and walking, eating and sleeping and of course flying through trees on a zip line! We went on a canopy tour that included 15 cables and a short rest for snacks in the middle. It was so much fun. The scariest part (for me!) was repelling off the last platform especially because I was the first to go. The guide at the bottom was supposed to control our speed and do all the work going down. The other guide on the platform told me to go first, got me situated and as I begin falling I hear the ground guide yell "OH WAIT! I'M NOT READY!" It was a long two seconds, but I made it safely to the ground and quickly found out that they succeeded in scaring me and he had full control the entire time.

Our hotel was awesome and the owner was so hospitable. He would take us around for free (to the beach, into town, etc.) If you ever find yourself in Samara, Costa Rica then I would highly recommend Hotel Sol Samara! :) It was a nice visit and a nice vacation that gave me the energy I needed for my last month (although it did make me a little bit more homesick).

Now I'm getting ready to move again. This is my second to last move and my final move in Costa Rica. My next move will be to Thomasville with my parents! In a couple of hours I will be living with Ana and Christian again (they were my first family here). It's always hard for me to move, especially away from a family as wonderful as Ericka and her family. However, I know where I'm going and I really enjoyed living in this house as well so I'm not as apprehensive about this move as I have been about others. I can't believe that my time here is winding down. I am really excited about coming home and seeing everyone; but then I know that I'm going to miss everyone here as well.

Okay, my suitcases are calling my name. I hope that you have a wonderful day and that you will feel God's grace and presence today as I have!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Thoughts while sipping tea and watching the sun set...

Let me start by describing the scene that I'm enjoying right now:

I am sitting at the kitchen table sipping hot tea. Home alone and enjoying the quiet for a few minutes. I am watching the end of a beautiful sunset over the freshly harvested fields. Playing on Ericka's computer is "Amazed" by Lincoln Brewster. The lyrics are "Lord, I'm amazed by you (3 times), and how you love me." It's one of those moments that make life worth living, those moments when God gives you something beautiful to say "Hey, I love you!"

It's been a great day! It started at 7 'o clock by the annoying beep of my alarm. I reluctantly rolled out of bed, showered, dressed, did my hair and went to the kitchen for a delicious meal of french toast. At 8:25 Yehudy and Ana were there to pick me up as we headed to work. Oh yes, the details finally came together at the organization and I have begun working!!

I met with two people from Roblealto in November. They were excited about having me work with them and asked me to stay in touch and that I would start in January. Well, there was some miscommunication and a lack of responses to emails. I then started looking into another organization called FundaVida and thought I would work there. However, I discovered that it was located in a very inconvenient spot where Ericka would be unable to take me/pick me up and it would be very difficult and dangerous to go alone by bus (it's located in a little suburb called Alajuelita that is very poor and the people there are unused to seeing people from the States -- and if you've seen me you know that I'm very obviously not from Central America -- automatically making me a target). So when that option was out I was pretty bummed because I really wanted to work somewhere else now that I'm done teaching.

Luckily that same week I received an email asking me to start working this week at Roblealto. Roblealto is very easy and safe for me to get to. I ride in the morning with Ana and Yehudy and take a 3 or 4 minute bus ride down the road, walk a block and there I am!

When I arrived this morning I was told which classroom I would be working in. I am helping a teacher who has 15 students from the ages of 1 to 4. It's just the two of us and I can't imagine how she was doing it on her own. I admire her greatly already. The kids are adorable. When I walked in I was greeted with a sea of smiles and a chorus of "Hola!" I then received several hugs and immediately the kids started playing with me. It was amazing how easily and sweetly they took to a stranger talking to me, playing with me, and asking for attention.

The kids who are at this foundation are children of parents who can't afford childcare. The centers are "free." I put free in quotation marks because when a child is enrolled in the program the parents are required to sign a contract. When they sign the contract they are agreeing to see financial planners, social workers, therapists, etc. It is more then a free daycare, it's a radically life altering organization. They work with the whole family to help break the grip of poverty by: finding honest jobs for the parents that pay enough to support the family; not allowing the parents to be involved in prostitution, drugs, or alcohol and providing the resources needed to stop these detrimental activities; feeding the children breakfast and lunch ensuring that they receive at least two healthy and substantial meals every day; requiring abusive parents to see Christian therapists and many other things. As the family progresses in the program they ask that the family begins paying a small amount (based on their financial abilities) for the childcare thus restoring the dignity that handouts remove from people and giving them encouragement and pride in their improvements. All the while they are sharing the love of Jesus with the children and often it's the only place they experience love and the true joy that love brings.

They have 3 locations. Two of them are daycare centers open from 6am to 6pm. This is where I work. Their third location is a home where children are placed if it is dangerous for them to live with their family. The foundation takes the children in and works with the family to restore or create a loving home where the children can thrive and not fear abuse or where they aren't forced into child prostitution or other horrible things. This house is a step before the child is removed by the government and given to foster parents. They have a 98% success rate of the families literally "comin' to Jesus" and cleaning up their lives to provide the children a healthy, loving atmosphere in which to grow up. They stay in contact with the families and check to make sure that they are continuing live healthy lives and working in honest jobs. It really is quite amazing the impact that they have had in Costa Rica. If you are interested in more information here is the website: I really encourage you to look at this and see the amazing impact of a Christ centered organization full of people who have heard God's call to remember the poor (the Bible is full of this call) and taken it to heart and seeing it realized. It's amazing and awesome in the true sense of the word -- awe inspiring.

So this is where I will be working for the next 2 months. As you can probably tell I'm very happy about it!

Well, the family is back, the sun has set, and my tea is gone; therefore it's time for me to go for now. I will send another update soon! Thank you for your prayers and support!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

"I'm coming back to the heart of worship, and it's all about you, it's all about you, Jesus"

Here are my summaries and thoughts on the conference I went to called Fiel Hasta el Final (Faithful to the End).

Session One: Hans Wust (Assistant Pastor of la Vina, Escazu -- My current church)

Worship is an act that is like giving a kiss to God. It requires two things:

1. Turning and focusing your attention on Him

2. Coming close

Luke 15:11-32 -- The Prodigal Son

The prodigal son was given a choice and he chose a path of destruction. His father could have said "no" but instead allowed the boy to learn from his mistakes. Upon returning home the boy was forgiven before saying anything. In the story both sons learn about the father's love. The older son learns that he can't earn or work for his father's love. Neither son realizes their father's love until a crisis arises. This story is a representation of God's love for us. We can't work for His love and even though we screw up really badly He still loves us unconditionally.

Session 2: Andy Park "Who is God? and Why should We Worship Him?"

-- our worship should not be rooted in what we feel but in what God has done. It should be a grateful response to God's love and mercy

-- Worship leaders are theologians. Telling the story of Jesus over and over again.

-- God has two characteristics and we must worship Him as both: 1. Transcendence of God 2. Intimacy

-- In the Great Love Story we see that God is constantly pursuing humanity. Adam and Eve have a close, intimate relationship with God but they come out of His authority by sinning. The old testament is full of God reaching out, revealing Himself, and never giving up on humanity even though we reject Him over and over.

-- Through musical worship we proclaim the story, love, and mercy of our Father in a post-modern age.

-- Artists are the prophets of our time

-- Like the Israelites we constantly forget what God has done for us, but He is always trying to draw us back to Himself.

-- Jesus removes the seperation created by Adam and Eve. True worship comes from a heart that realizes what Jesus has done for us on the Cross. We have to focus on the cross not because we are into gruesome things but because it represents true love.

--As worship leaders we call people to see their eternal identities. We are eternal beings with eternal purposes.

Workshop 1: Kelly Carpenter "Leading Worship with a Keyboard"

I mostly have technical notes for this one. If you're interested let me know and i'll pass them along.

Workshop 2: Andy Park "Spiritual Gifts and Worship"

-- As worship leaders we wear different hats that include different spiritual gifts.

-- We are inviting the rule and reign of God into our midst and it's much more then just leading singing becuase when the Holy Spirit shows up anything could happen.

-- Hats/Gifts of a worship leader:

1.Healing: musical worship can bring about miraculous healing as people lay their hearts before God and cry out to Him.

2. Prophecy: God can use your prayers to speak to people. Just pray your heart and allow God to work. Sometimes God will give you a song to sing then and there that can speak truth into someone's life.

3. Spiritual Warrior: He told the story of Martin Luther getting the point of desperation and wanting to die. Many people are fighting things and we open the door to worshiping and breaking those chains.

4. Teachers: Songs give information about who God is and don't underestimate the power of the ideas held in the songs. Songs that change lives are powerful concepts about who God is and what he is done clothed in beautiful music.

5. Evangelism: God is weird (direct quote, haha) You never know when something will happen!

6. Pastoral: The heart of a pastor is to love people and meet them where they are and draw them forward.

7. Model Worship: People learn to worshipby watching an example. Most powerful teaching is doing. People learn in the same way a child learns to live as a human.

Session 3: Mark Young "Worshipers in the Bible"

--The word "worship" appears for the first time in Genesis 22:5

--Music is only a small part of worship is

--Worship is our expression of gratitude for who God is and what He has done

--Worship requires action and if our hearts aren't in it it's just singing

--Old Testament: 2 Samuel 6:12-22

- David is moving the Arc of God. He is so excited that he throws a huge party to show his joy.

- Sometimes we are told to do things and don't because we are ashamed. David was not ashamed, thinking about God not what others would think.

- More freedom starts with you.

--New Testament: Luke 7:36-50

- Fancy way of worship

- She turned and kissed Jesus's feet

- Romans 12:1 Worship is about offering your total life

--Revelations 4:1-11

- When we worship we are not alone, we are with a multitude (*I, Angela, expereienced this as we worshiped one night I heard more voices then possible for the number of people that were in the room. It was an awesome experience!)

- Sometimes we feel alone or abandoned but there is a greater reality we can only see with our spiritual eyes.

- it's about God NOT us! He is holy, we are not

- We have this time to practice on Earth what we will be doing for an eternity in heaven.

- It is impossible to fully describe God.

Session 4: Andy Park "33 Years of Experience"

--He told a lot about his testimony and the ways God has called him through the years.

--Worshipers go on adventures for God. Taking risks, "Faith is spelled R-I-S-K", You will do things that normal people don't do

--Paul understood that God's desire for Paul was that his heart might change to look more and more like God's heart

--God is more interested in the formation of our character then our songs or success

--Life gives us difficulties. When God takes things away He wants to know "are you going to get bitter or better?"

--God recieves Abraham's patience as worship

--The leaders of the Bible led in weakness. God's grace is sufficient. If you feel weak you're doing well. Get ready to feel completely dependent on God.

--Hebrews 11:1

--Moses didn't want to go, gave in, and accomplished his call in weakness and fully dependent on God

--If there is anything standing between you and contentment it is an idol.

--We are called to cast our crowns down and surrender control to God

--Matthew 18: We are called to be like little children. Following Jesus, wanting to be close to Him, not caring how silly we look.

--Jesus wants our humility. Kids are happy to simply be apart of the family, apart of the party.

--Worship is about stripping off outward things, worldy things and standing before God. Kids don't care what people think or how silly they sound or look. We need to get back to this.

Session 4: Jim Bricker

-- In worship, celebration is important along with intimacy
-- Isaiah 40:9-11 2 pictures of God
1. Sovereign God - power, almighty
2. Gentle Shepherd - nearness, loving God
Must understand both aspects of God
-- Psalm 42:8
-- Dry seasons create a place for God to birth something new and pull you into a deeper relationship with Him
-- Isaiah 6:1-8 4 Transactions take place
1. Heavenly Vision
2. Fear because he saw God and his unworthiness was revealed
3. Removal of guilt - God's grace
4. Sending - "Here I am, send me"
-- God exposes our sins to purify and heal our hearts
-- Kindness of God leads us to repentence
-- Often before we feel healing it hurts
-- As worship leaders we are "bringers" and "includers" so others can experience God as we do
-- We must live as God-ward people
-- We must look up, look in, look out to reach up, reach in, reach out (with a Godly, and missional purpose)
-- God is at work in our smaller story
-- God takes pleasure in us as His people

Workshop 3: Andy Park "Writing Songs"

These were tips for writing music, if you're interested let me know and I'll send you my notes.

Workshop 4: Alberto Ortiz "Making Harmonies"

These were tips for creating harmonies while singing worship music. Again, if you're interested let me know!

Session 5: Jeremy Riddle "Being Sweetly Broken"

-- He told a little bit of his testamony and said "This is not a story of my life but of my death"
-- true test of a worshiper is their personal devotional life
-- with every gift we have the choice of how to use that gift
-- he was going 90mph down one road and didn't take time to see if it was what God had for him
-- His song "Sweetly Broken" is about the Christian life
-- "When Christ calls a man He bids him come and die" -Dietrich Bonhaufer
-- The beginning of the Christian life is not a fulfillment of all hopes and dreams; it is death first
-- everything that happens before that point is God working in spite of you
-- God told Jeremy: "I've seen your ministry. Now let me show you mine"
-- This is so much bigger than you.
-- As Christians it is not our life and it's not abuot who we want to be
-- God is ruthless when it comes to our hearts, He won't settle for competition

Session 6: Andy Park "God wants Relationship"

-- We can't give away love if we don't recieve it
-- One way to revieve love is through receiving God's grace and mercy
- Moses murdered a man and was forgiven
- David murdered and committed adultery
- People like this are chosen to demonstrate God's mercy
-- The prophets are constantly reminding "You have to take care of the poor"
-- Worshipers listen to God
-- Our falls keep us in check
- if i'm ever going to do anything good it will be by the grace of God
- God allows us to fall and there we learn about ourselves
-- We must Love God and Love people, we can't just do one well

~What's Jesus stuff?
-- "caring for the poor is not a suggestion, it's a command" -Bono
-- the question when it comes to serving God and serving the poor is not "Should I?" but "How?"
-- John 14:21
- Demonstrate love by obeying
- we can know him by helping people
-- The more we give love away the more love we will recieve
-- We know Jesus through both worship and serving people
-- Love for Jesus leads us to missions
-- If we always do things in our own power we are not excersising faith
-- The guidance system doesn't start working until we are in the air (he told about shuttles and explained that the guidance systems don't begin working until the aircraft is in the air)
-- We have to be people of action because that's how the great worshipers were in the Bible and what Jesus is all about
-- The Bible is full of helping people
-- Isaiah 58:1-11

Session 7: Jim Bricker "Why do we exist?"

-- Revelations 4:11
- we are created for the pleasure of God
- God takes pleasure in us
-- The word "worship" is often misused
-- The heart of worship is much deeper then music
-- Worship requires our whole life

-- Worship is a way of life
- Romans 12:1
- A response to God's mercy and who God is
- "Offer" a choice of trust
- living life in a way that pleases God
--What will the object of my worship be?
-- Story of Noah
- worship causes us to do crazy things
- 3 things that bring pleasure to God
1. Love Him above all else (Gen. 6:9, Eph. 1)
2. Trust Him completely (Psalm 147, Heb. 11)
-obey Him wholeheartedly: a life of faith
-"There are things God will call you to beyond conventional wisdom"
3. Fulfill His Purpose
- a person who lives for God
- Noah did everything exactly as God called him to do
- Our life is not a pie
~whole thing belongs to God and is for worship
- God wants to take pleasure in our whole lives
"did you know God smiles when you eat black beans and rice?"
-- When you give your life to God you can do everything to the pleasure of God
-- Psalm 37
-- Romans 12:1-2
- focus life on God and restructure your life to bring Him pleasure
-- God is looking for 21st century Noahs
-- Psalm 16:3
-- Attitude of your heart, words of your lips, works of your hands, whole life
-- "Uniquely created by God and uniquely created for God"
-- Worship is more than the single things in life but all of these things can be expressions of worship
-- may we live in the reality of the heart of worship with Faith to believe, faith to follow, and faith to trust

Workshop 5: Steve Jones "Spiritual Disciplines" *This was my favorite!!*

--Worship leader: come and worship God: it's not authentic if you don't have a familiar relationship with Jesus
- can't invite people into a place where you aren't
-- Where do I start? People are asking God these questions in the beginning
- am I loved? What are you like? what do you think of me? What does your voice sound like? what is your heart and how can I be apart of that?
-- when we hear God's voice say: I am good, you can trust me. I see what you're going through and you're not alone. This is my voice."

Ways to draw near to God and how to hear His voice: (suggestions not rules! when they become rules they lose their power)
1. Meditation
- Exodus 33
- stopping, taking time to speak to God face to face
- not seperated from prayer
- not like Eastern meditation (trying to seperate from our selves) but we are digging deeper into the heart of God
- use scripture: read it, pray it, personalize it
- recollection: remembering the stories of God working in our lives
- significance: calling and purpose in this world; where God has called us to be and showing next steps
- creacion: standing in awe of what God has made
- many other ways of meditation

2. Prayer
- scriptures: we have lost the beauty of prayers in our cultural "need" to be individuals
- intercession
- honest prayer of the heart at the moment
~as simple and "unspiritual" as it might be at the moment
~ praying in all moments

3. Fasting
- says: "God it is you who sustains me"
~more important to be close to God than to eat
- fasting is spiritual feasting

4. Study
- Scripture is not magic or a textbook so we shouldn't treat it as such!
- there is a textbook way of approaching scripture that is so boring and detached it does nothing for the soul
- context is important: different books
~stories of those before us (provide courage for our own stories)
- poetry
~language to what is in our heart
- God is in Control
~prophets: things came to pass and will continue
~our times here on earth are in God's hands
~God is love and God is just
- Leviticus
~you can know where you stand with me
~it can be boring, but it is also very rich
-- How to read each book is very important because they are not all read the same

5. Simplicity
--we spend money that we have and money that we don't have
--sometimes the things we own end up owning us
--Eccl. 6
--not saying living in poverty, but living in contentment
--if our "yes" was actually our "yes" and our "no" actually our "no"
--if we lived simply we would be free
--"the beauty of simplicity is that I have more then I need adn I have the freedom to be generous with what I have"
--when owned by things we never have any to share because we feel as though we don't have enough
--frees us to live near the heart of God

6. Silence and Solitude
--if we can't turn off music, computer, cell phone, we will forget the voice of God
~because many times he speaks in a whisper
~we will start listening to the voices of people to learn who we are, instead of listening to God
--Everytime Jesus gets momentum in his ministry He withdraws to only be with the Father
~we can't lead anyone for an extended period of time without resting
--can you sustain your pace of life for the next 40 years?
~will you have to use "things" (books, movies, TV, drugs... etc) to escape?
--Do a few things well... say NO to things

7. Submission and Service
--it is important to submit to Jesus those who lead us, and those we serve so that they are more important than us
--getting what we want is counter to the heart of Jesus

8. Confession
--must confess regularly or things will build up and we won't be able to draw near to God
--guilt causes us not to want to draw near to God
--conviction is the Holy Spirit drawing us to confess and be forgiven
--guilt and conviction are different!
--the longer you take to confess the harder it is

9. Worship
--it's what you give your heart to because you believe it will bring you life
--nothing but God has the power to return life to us
--our idols are now more clever (then the obvious golden calfs of the old testament); but we are still sacrificing the same things as the old testament
~Baal is now career
~Mammon is now busyness
--Where do you expect to get your life from?

10. Community and Celebration
--No time for parties, you're missing out
--in the Bible: put someone to death who won't celebrate adn begins to work
--if you are not surrounded by people and not celebrating you don't look like Jesus
--Go out and party; be together; enjoy people!

-People's prayers for us are as important as our prayers for ourselves
-Just as important to pray for people as it is to give advice, actually more important
-"Let me praise thee for thy gifts. But let not my heart become attached to them."
-It's not wrong to enjoy things-you end up worshiping God with it as long as you don't make the thing point.

Workshop 6: Jorge Jimenez "The Heart of David"
--he was human, a normal person with high points and low points
--1 Samuel 15:22 God really enjoys our hearts
--David was chosen for his heart, not his physical attributes
--David knew his identity in God
--1 Samuel 17:8
--David wasn't afraid: Israelites saw a giant but David saw a mortal human
--David percieved the word as we can
--Who is fighting? You or God?
~Gratefulness or complaints he always recognized God as good and the One even in desperation and complaining
~Psalm 59
Recognizes who God is as his Father
--Do we take God's love for granted?
--Do we trust in our own understanding?
--Is our value in our appearence?
--Do we give thanks for the small things and the big things?
--Do we think God is our father?
--David understood God's love
--It's about Heart

Session 8: Kelly Carpenter, Steve Jones, Jeremy Riddle "Q&A time"

"Children's ministry resources and ideas?" *I talked with Jeremy about it earlier that day. It was cool to hear the response twice!

-relationship is first
-they mimick what they see
-modeling how to worship
-not only truth about God but songs that connect and cultivate a prayer life
-establish that and watch out!!
-important to channel energy correctly with hyperactice kids
~1 on 1 is important as much as possible
~kids do need discipline
~with love, like parenting

"What is the relationship between a pastor and worship leader?"
-they are very related. The best worship leaders also function as pastors in a way (laying down life for sheep)

My question: "How do you respond when you make a mistake while leading worship? I'm guessing you don't burst into tears and run out the back door; but what's the best response?"
-gage the blunder: if you can ignore it and stay focused. However, if you need to stop: do so, laugh (and let everyone laugh with you) and pick up where you left off. God has a sense of humor so it's okay!

Worship is like a kid with a coloring book and crayons. Sometimes we color outside the lines.

Final Session: Jim Bricker "The Tension of Life"
(at the beg. he handed out rubber bands to everyone)

--the rubberband represents God's dream for our lives
~we can stretch it and make it huge but there is reality because if it stays huge then we can't handle the tension forever
~there is a gap between the ideal and the real
~little gap or big gap = little tension or lots of tension
--can only handle tension for so long
~two options: lower our standards to be less than God's or let the tension pull us to be better (the second option brings peace!)
-How we handle the tension decides our life
--Peter walking on the water
~no one ever talks about the other disciples who didn't even have the courage to get out of the boat at all
~delt with tension of where he was and where Jesus was
--We will either view life with eyes of fear or eyes of faith
--It's not a failure to stumble or fall or not fulfill a dream
~it's a failure not to try or not to have a dream
--We choose to live life in faith or fear... to walk on water or sit in the boat
--to reduce the tension we must shrink the gap and be the people God has called us to be

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Update on Life-- Sorry I don't have a clever title...

I'm sorry that this update has taken so long! I feel like I have been trying to write it for a week and things keep getting in the way (only having enough money for 30 minutes at an internet cafe, moving, power going out for two days. You know normal, everyday stuff)

Last Saturday was the last English class and it was a disappointing finish. Out of my original 8 students only 1 showed up! I taught what I had planned and then let him draw on the board for a few minutes (which he was really excited about). I have to remind myself that the other weeks were much more successful, even if this last one was discouraging. We decided to end Saturday because the kids are starting a new school year this week and it was going to be very difficult on the families to continue.

I am very excited about this week of February 9-13 becuase I will be attending a conference about worship here in San José. The church that my friend Ericka attends is a Vineyard church plant in Alajuela and they are putting it on. Some famous worship leaders and worship song writers from the US will be there including Jeremy Riddle, Andy Park, Shirley McDonald and several people from Costa Rica!! I attended church with them Saturday and Sunday and got to meet Andy Park, Mark Young and and some of the others helping to lead the conference. It was so cool. He gave an amazing talk about worship, talking about worshiping with our lives and not just by singing. I am planning to post reflections on the conference when I get back.

I have moved again and this has been the best move yet. This is the closest I have felt to coming home since I have been here. I am living with Ericka and her family! She has been my main contact here whenever I need anything and she has also been one the only real friends I have here (it's hard to develop a friendship when all you can say is "Can I help?" "Can I eat something?" "I need to wash my clothes." "This is delicious, thank you" and other things along those lines). She likes to talk to me in English to add to her vocabulary and her English is excellent (I often forget it's not her first language). It's also nice because she is able to help me with my Spanish! They are a very fun family, her husband is Alberto and they have two children Samuel (2 1/2) and Christina (9).

I am also excited because I think I will begin working with Kids soon! The first foundation that I told you about has been a little bit slow as far as working out my job and communication. It's been very frustrating because I have wanted to work since January. However, there was another opportunity as a foundation close to Ericka's house that we are looking into. It's an organization that works through Ericka's church. I will find out more about it this week and keep you updated on what's going on there.

A couple of weeks ago I attended a wedding. At first it was stressful because I was told to be ready at 4 becasue the wedding started at 6 and was an hour away. Well being the good Hobby Girl that I am I was ready at 3:45. We left the house at 5:45. We got to the wedding at about 6:30 and hardly any of the guests had arrived. The bride arrived around 7. The 6 o'clock wedding started at 7:15. Time here works differently, very differently.

It was beautiful! There were about 50 guests. The ceremony and the reception were very similar to a US wedding. The only difference was that the first 15 minutes of the ceremony consisted of reading the Costa Rican laws about Marriage by a lawyer. The seperation of Church and State does not exist here.

I will have internet again in a week. Please pray for the conference this week that God works in the lives of those attending and those leading and that it will be a cool mixture of cultures as the North American and Costa Ricans come together to worship Jesus!

I am praying for you and I hope that you are well!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Safe, Sound, and Back to "Normal"

I am back safe and sound in Costa Rica after a wonderful weekend.

I have reached the half-way point and that is unbelievable to me.

I returned yesterday from Nicaragua after a few much needed days of R&R&E (rest, relaxation, and English). I can`t express to you the pure joy I felt in talking to people for whom English is their first language. There is no way to put into words the excitement I felt to talk and listen without having to translate in my mind or getting a headache from concentrating.

More about the trip later! I am sitting in an internet café with Nicole (the little girl I live with) and she is bored out of her mind. So hopefully I will be back here soon (and alone) to send a better update but I wanted you to know that I am safely back to Costa Rica and life has returned to my new definition of normality.

I hope all is well with you!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Holidays, Pictionary, and More

I hope this finds you and yours happy, healthy, and maybe a little bit heavier after delicious food over the holidays. (I know I am all 3 haha)

There is so much to tell, but I'm guessing you don't want to read 20 journal pages worth of my life because I know that you have a life as well (which I'd love to hear about, nudge nudge). So here is a summary of the past few weeks. The other details will have to wait for the book that many of you have asked me to write.

I sent my last email almost a month ago and at that time I was feeling pretty sad and lonely. Well, God in his great mercy and infinite wisdom knew that and sent me a huge gift the next day at church. A man came up to me and said this to me during worship: "I know right now you feel alone, but don't need to because God is right there with you holding your hand. He loves you very much and loves your heart. You shouldn't be scared. He wants to use you and you shouldn't be afraid of that or what you are experiencing right now." It was amazing and definitely an encouragement to my heart.

Skip ahead a few days: Wednesday 17. We (Gretel, Estefany, Fredito, Steven, and I) went to Tirasses (the neighborhood of Gretel's family) to attend a memorial service for her cousin. I had a long fight with myself about what to do because here many people believe that Catholics are not Christians (including the family I was living with at the time). So during the service I didn't know what to do. If I cross myself or bow to the crucifix I jeopardize my testimony to those I live and work with, but not doing those things goes against what I believe to be an act of reverence and a beautiful dance-like form of worship. I only finished fighting with myself when the service was over and it was too late to do anything anyway. I still don't really know what to do if I'm in that situation again. I'm glad that Jesus still loves me either way! (Any thoughts on this would be appreciated...)

Okay, skip a few more days to Sunday December 21.Today was a very important day for the family I lived with and the church. The Christmas Play. It was the story of the Prodigal son, Tico Style. It was very well done and I enjoyed it a lot, a good mixture of humor, while still encompassing the serious message of the story. I don't know if I could sound more like a theatre critic.

Tuesday, December 23.

Javier is a neighbor of the family I was living with in December. He is very nice and enjoyed practicing his English with me. He has a guitar and brought it over and I was able to play and sing (playing for the first time in 2 months). It was WONDERFUL. I have missed my guitar a ton, not realizing just how much I used it to worship and as a way to relieve stress.

Wednesday, December 24.

We (Estefany, Steven, Fredito, Javier, his Sister Maria, and me) went to see Madagascar 2. We had decided to split up 3 seeing it in English with Spanish subtitles and 3 watching it dubbed. Well the person responsible for buying the tickets decided that it was a bad idea and bought 6 tickets for Spanish only. So I understood some of it and and the songs. I'll have to watch it again when i get home to really appreciate it.

After the movie we ate Burros. DELICIOUS! While the name means donkey it has nothing to do with donkeys. Then we opened presents and I was surprised when I was given a gift of a doll (to remind me of them when I return home) and a cute polo. They were equally surprised to receive something from me which I had successfully hidden for two weeks! :)

Thursday, December 25.

I talked to my family for awhile that was neat. We ate more yummy food (including Tamales that I helped to make). One huge Christmas tradition for the week before Christmas and a few weeks after is to watch Turros and Chinamo. Chinamo I liked, it was lots of silly games and fun things that people were doing and dancing and music. Turros, not so much. In fact I think I offended the family by admitting that I didn't like it. It's a part of the tradition here, but it's hard for me to watch people getting skewered by bulls, especially when people are dying. I tried to like it or come up with something to say when they asked if I liked it that wouldn't be a lie but wouldn't be offensive either, but the tears in my eyes and the look on my face gave me away. The family really wasn't deeply offended, but they did make sure to tell everyone who visited or who we visited that I didn't like it.

Friday, December 26.

We visited Freddy's brother. I played my first game of Futbol (Soccer in US) and had a lot of fun. I made 15 goals but I know that some of them were illegal and i deserved several penalties (including kicking Fredito really hard in the shin, totally an accident that made for many laughs later). They were surprised at my aggressiveness and competitiveness (learned that from my dad) including two falls (totally dirtying my pants) and running into one tree with prickles resulting in a cut and a splinter, but no pain no game right? It was a fabulous first game of futbol.

Saturday, December 27.

We had to drive to Gretel's mother's house to shower because there was no water at her house (the 3rd time that month). We then went to visit some family about an hour and a half from their house. The drive was beautiful. I can't describe it, but it was breathtaking. After we returned home a family from the Church visited. I really enjoy this family a lot but we played pictionary, in Spanish. This may have been one of the most frustrating moments in my entire life. Seriously, I can't express the torment I felt in losing points for my team (there's my competitiveness) because I can't guess things like "TV Screen" (need to work on Spanish vocab) or I don't hear the difference between words when I'm drawing (after looking the word up in my dictionary to understand what I'm drawing.) For example, I didn't hear a difference between the words "Faros" (the word i was drawing-- the headlamps on a car) and "Farols" (another type of lamp). I was thrilled when it was over and I could go to bed.

December 31- January 1

Many people came over from the church. We had a huge bonfire and ate, laughed, danced (I can now do some of the traditional danced-- horribly but i can do them) and counted down the new year. A new experience saying "cinco, quatro, tres, dos, uno" but many people wished me a "happy new year" instead of "feliz año nuevo" which meant a lot to me for some reason. I have now moved and I really enjoy my new house. I live with three women, each from a different generation which is cool. They are super sweet and have welcomed me in. We have enjoyed doing touristy things together like visiting an important catholic church here (GORGEOUS) and going to the National Museum.

We were going to go to a Volcano on Thursday, but all praise goes to God that Sylbia changed her mind. Near the volcano we were going to visit occurred an earthquake, 6.2. It's absolutely devastated the area and it's been a really hard thing for this country. The news is difficult to watch because the scenes they show are very graffic. My heart is broken for this country and the loss of nearly 200 lives and for the 2000 people who have now been left homeless. It's a horrible tragedy, but I know God is in control of everything, even situations like this. Please be praying for all of those affected by this.

I hate to end on a sad note like that, but that's the most recent thing that has happened.

I am glad to have my own room in this house, which includes time to think and pray and be alone. I guess all of my thoughts will have to wait for the book.

For now I will leave you with this:

"May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all." 2 Corinthians 13:14

You are in my thoughts, prayers, and love. Thanks for yours!

This email was sent in early December, I apologize for only posting it now. If you want to get more timely updates send me an email at and I will add you to my email list.

Don't worry. I'm fine! My new house does not have internet and we are not within walking distance of an internet café, so updates will be very few this month. I really like this new family. They are very funny and fun to be with, but it's difficult to find alone time as I am now rooming with a 15 year old. Our room is pretty small, barely enough room to pull out my trundle bed. Gretel and Freddy are the parents. They are very sweet people. They have an 18 year old son, Steven, a 15 year old daughter, Stefany, and a 12 year old son Freddy. Both Freddys are very entertaining and keep the family laughing constantly.

I am afraid that the first part of this email is not happy. If you are not in the mood for sad news I suggest you skip down a few paragraphs until you see the words "I am very excited..." After that it's happy news.

After a few days of living with Gretel, Freddy, and family I had met several other family members-- including grandmothers, grandfathers, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. Last Saturday we were planning on visiting a place called Cartago. As we drove along laughing and joking Steven's phone began to ring, not out of the ordinary. However, he did not talk long and quickly passed the phone along to his Dad. I didn't understand much (only "Ay, Dios, No" -- "Oh, God, no") but I could tell by the tone of his voice and the change in car atmosphere that something terrible was happening. The mood in the car quickly changed from lighthearted and full of laughter to somber and silent.

We pulled off the highway and began traveling in the direction we had just come from. All Stefany was able to tell me in her limited English vocabulary was "Cousin with accident." I immediately started praying, for the family but also for our safety as the normally dangerous streets turned even more dangerous in Freddy's agitated state.

A few minutes later we arrived, not at a clinic like I thought it would be, but to a small, extremely congested street, full of cars and full of people. Gretel jumped out before the car even stopped, Steven, Freddy, and Fredito (little Freddy) quickly followed. Stefany and I stayed with the truck but were soon joined by a woman and her child. The child only a year and the mother weeping uncontrollably. Stefany was handed the baby, but I could tell she wanted to console the woman so I took the baby and held her.

A couple minutes later the woman and the baby left. And we learned that the cousin had died. Gretel grabbed my hand and we started walking in the direction of her mother's house. Freddy picked us up in the truck on the way and we drove quickly to a house. We walked up a flight of stairs to a room. The same woman and child were there. I then realized that this was the wife and child of Gretel's now deceased cousin and his mother was there as well. We were there to deliver the horrible news.

I held the baby again. As I held her I realized that I had held her as her father died. At that point I couldn't hold back my tears. It was really difficult to be apart of these moments as an outsider, so life changing for the family-- for this little girl I was holding-- and here I am in the middle of it. I learned that he was 32 with 3 children. He was electrocuted while fixing a microwave oven.

Everything eventually calmed down and we returned "home." The funeral was the next day. It was hard to be at the graveside for two reasons. 1. His mom came up and held my arm as she watched people say their last goodbyes to her son. 2. We all watched as the tomb was slowly sealed brick by brick. An end to a long two days.

Okay, enough sadness now. The family is doing much better and has returned to it's happy self, with moments of grief, but laughter again.

I am very excited about both my trip to Nicaragua in January (a few days with a North American family, yay!!!) and working at Roblealto. This is a foundation that works with the poor in San José. It is a free day care on the outside, but so much more then that. They work with the families to get them the help they need to be able to sustain themselves. They work with Christian therapists, financial advisers, and social workers.

They also have a shelter for children who should not be living with their parents (due to extreme poverty, drugs, alcoholism, or prostitution). They remove the children from the homes and work with the family to create stability before the state takes the child away for good. 95% of the time the family is redeemed and are able to stand on their own. It's a very well known foundation here and they are doing awesome things in a very Christ centered way. I cannot wait to start working with them, but I must since they are closed during the holiday season.

It's quite amazing what they do there. I will start in January after my trip. Until then I will continue to teach and build relationships with the people I am with. I am glad that God is working here, and I am glad that he has everything under his amazing control.

Blessings to you this advent season!